About 3 weeks ago I began this blog to record my TY experiences. As part of our 'Blogging Challenge' we have to write about our digital dossier or our digital footprint. To learn about our digital dossier and what it is we had to watch this video.
My digital dossier began before I was even born. It began when messages and emails were sent to my parents friends and family to tell them the good news of my birth. Records of my birth were also kept on computers in the hospital and pictures were taken on phones. This was the beginning of my digital dossier and it began before I was even old enough to speak.
Our digital dossier grows everyday, when I was 5 I made accounts for online games, which I can't even remember the names of now. As I got older I made an email account and many social media accounts. My digital dossier will be there forever and everything I do online will be tracked, including this blog and all of the posts I make on it. In the future everything I do will be added to my digital dossier such as booking holidays, buying products online, photos of weddings I attend and maybe even my own wedding. It will grow and grow even after I'm gone. Some people take this for granted and misuse the internet, social media and other devices and services because they forget about their digital footprint. You have to use the internet carefully because when you go for a job interview the employer could search your name online and you only want positive things to be shown right?
Before writing this blog post I had an idea of what my digital footprint was but I had no idea that so many things were traced. I was shocked to learn that my digital dossier began before I was even born. I hope you learned about your digital dossier from reading this as I thought it was a very interesting thing to write about.
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