Monday, 13 October 2014

Walk In My Shoes

Friday the 10th of October was World Mental Health Day. To raise awareness for positive mental health our school had a non-uniform day.Everyone donated €2 to help St. Patrick's University Hospital. Walk in my shoes is a mental health charity that promotes positive mental health. It is promoted by U2 member Adam Clayton. 
  • Ireland has one of the highest suicide rates in the 14-24 age group in the EU. 
  • 1 in 4 young people in Ireland will experience a mental health difficulty. 
  • 75% of all mental health issues begin before the age of 24. 
  • Suicide is the leading cause of death among 18-25 year old men in Ireland and the second most common cause of death generally in this age group.
I think promoting positive mental health is very important and there should be more awareness raised about mental health and the difficulties many people go through. Many people suffer in silence so I think the fact that our school dedicated a day to positive mental health is very important because it makes the people who have mental health issues feel like they are not alone and will hopefully encourage them to seek help. The phrase 'Walk in My Shoes' means that you should place yourself in someone else's situation before you judge what they are going through, just because someone seems to have a perfect life on the outside does not mean their life is perfect, they could have problems that you have not even noticed. So be nice to everyone because you never know what they're dealing with. If everyone in our school is aware of mental health and helps people who are dealing with mental health issues, it would make seeking help for those who are suffering much easier.

taken from

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